League News

Major League Soccer Commissioner Don Garber to undergo treatment for prostate cancer

MLS Commissioner Don Garber

NEW YORK - Major League Soccer announced Saturday that MLS Commissioner Don Garber has been diagnosed with prostate cancer.  He has undergone a series of comprehensive tests and the cancer has not spread.  Based on the stage of his cancer, his doctors expect he will have a full recovery. 

Garber, 56, will continue managing the league during treatment. He has begun treatment at Sloan Kettering Memorial Hospital, which will be followed by surgery at Mt. Sinai Hospital.  Both hospitals are located in New York City. 

“Obviously no one wants to hear that they have cancer,” Garber said in a statement.  “However, I am being treated by exceptional doctors at two of the top hospitals in the world and am confident, as are they, that the prostate cancer will be successfully treated, with a full recovery.  I plan on keeping a normal schedule and will continue managing the league and Soccer United Marketing during my course of treatment.  With the support of my family, friends, colleagues and doctors, I am feeling very strong, energized and extremely focused.

“Other than skin cancer, prostate cancer is the most common cancer in American men.  It will affect one in seven men during their lifetime." Garber added. “I hope through my experience that I will be able to create awareness of prostate cancer and encourage men to get regular testing, the surest way to ensure a successful outcome for those who get the disease."