Where in the world is Predrag Radosavljevic?
Well, for now, Preki is still in Sacramento, though his tenure as Sacramento Republic FC’s head coach will end on July 11, saying in a release announcing his imminent departure that he’s accepted a position in the UK. What position might that be? The oddsmakers in England say it’s Premier League club Leicester City’s open managerial post.
What does Preki say? You’ll have to listen to find out!
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Andrew Wiebe is the host and producer of ExtraTime Radio and a new media editor for MLSsoccer.com. He previously covered Sporting KC, once scored an unintentional goal from midfield and tries to bring an analytical mind to the beautiful game. Weekend center back, history junkie and Jayhawk.

Simon Borg is a senior editor and on-air analyst for MLSsoccer.com, and the original creator of the "Kick Off" on MLSsoccer.com. He loves organic strawberry jam and once pushed a big kid into a puddle while playing soccer in Malta. And he would do it again right now.

David Gass is an assistant producer and sound engineer for ExtraTime Radio. Originally from New York City, he attended Northeastern University in Boston and is currently questioning his choice of part-time employment.
The views expressed by the hosts and guests are theirs and do not necessarily represent the views or opinions of Major League Soccer / Soccer United Marketing.