ExtraTime Radio Podcast

LISTEN: Ballou Table got transferred where? To Barca?! Where do Lee Nguyen and the Revs go from here? Plus, MLS story time with Sounders' GM Garth Lagerwey that spans decades and eras in American soccer. Subscribe so you never miss a show! Download this episode! Have something to say? Call or text the #HotTakeHotline at 401-206-0MLS.
Before he was the Sounders' general manager and president of soccer, before he was the man who helped build Real Salt Lake into a champion, before he was an MLS goalkeeper, Garth Lagerwey was a young man trying to figure out what to do with his life. He found himself in the parking lot of a German club asking for a chance to train, and the rest is history. Tune in for MLS story time with one of the league's biggest personalities and most influential executives on this edition of ExtraTime Radio.
There's plenty more in this show, as well, including Ballou Tabla's big move to Barcelona, the sticky situation Lee Nguyen and the Revolution find themselves in after the former didn't report to camp, Cubo's big move (just days after he pledged his future to Houston) and a rumor rapid fire to keep you up to date on all the possible comings and goings around MLS. Plus, as always, a mailbag with plenty of meaty topics from listeners!
Remember, you can call or text the show at 401-206-0MLS or email at extratime [at] mlssoccer.com with your questions, comments or hot takes. Subscribe to ExtraTime Radio to have the podcast delivered straight to your phone twice a week!
The views expressed by the hosts and guests are theirs and do not necessarily represent the views or opinions of Major League Soccer / Soccer United Marketing.